Helping the
needy with
dignity and

since 1966 – תשכ"ו לפ"ק

Helping the
needy with
dignity and

since 1966 – תשכ"ו לפ"ק

Helping the
needy with
dignity and

since 1966 – תשכ"ו לפ"ק

Our Services

Our Mission

The United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn, (UJO) was formed after the Holocaust in 1966, to give the newly arrived refugees a voice and helping hand in their native Yiddish language. We serve as a provider of social and housing services, as well as public health, workforce development and community development services for the community in the greater Williamsburg area. We are a one-stop Family Preservation Center open to all. Our goal as a liaison to public agencies is to strengthen and nurture the growth of this community so that it may continue to contribute to New York City’s diverse cultural fabric. Services continue to be provided in Yiddish and English languages to ensure government services and benefits are accessible to all.

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